Jenny Gulamani-Abdulla, BPW Canada President and one of Canada’s Most Powerful Women by the Women‘s Executive Network in Canada, and Katherine Wentzell, Chair, Gender Wage Gap with BPW Canadwill and RBC Financial Planner, share why pay equity is so important, how BPW has been involved and the impact this has on all of our lives. Come prepared to get involved in the discussion and to share real-life experiences with your fellow BPW ladies!
We will also continue to collect donations for Suit Yourself, a not for profit that helps women in need who are entering or re-entering the workforce by providing them with clothing, accessories, and toiletries. As a group, BPW is gathering toiletry items (shampoo, conditioner, body wash, toothbrushes, etc.) and donation boxes will present at the February event.
When: Monday, February 24th, 2020 from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Where: The Chateau Lacombe, in the Lacombe Room
11:15 AM: Registration & lunch
11:45 AM: Program begins
12:10 PM: Breakout sessions start
1:00 PM: Conclusion
$40 for Members
$50 for Non-Members
– The ticket price includes a buffet lunch.